Professional Voiceover in English and Spanish


Where am I?

If you’re looking for a warm, inspiring, natural-sounding female voice for voiceover services in Spanish from Spain or American English… Good news! You’re at the right place :)


As a voice over actress, I give voice to all sorts of contents aimed at an audience with vibrancy and professionalism. Commercial spots, corporate presentations, dubbing, e-Learning, audiobooks, medical reports, Interactive Voice Response, fitness routines, user guides, dramatic readings…


Additionally, I have ample experience in radio production, and own the means to face any technical challenge: synchronization, mixing, lip-sync, live recording sessions, and whatever may come my way!


I’ve done it all, and I keep learning every day to sharpen my skills even further, so that I can deliver to my clients maximum quality and expertise. 


Questions? Contact me

Some companies I've provided VO services for…

Do you need a voice for your commercial? Count on Lyd Voice!